Tuesday, March 22, 2011

IS Package Failed

In conjunction with my post at http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/operationsmanagergeneral/thread/b76658a3-2153-4c52-b7cf-0a2b707e3fd4, these screen shots show what is happening.

Event Viewer on SQL006 - 1 eventID 12291 occurs...

which creates 2 alerts in the SCOM Console.  1 for the node (SQL006 - bottom of the two shown) and one for the instance (SHRD2 - top of the two shown) which happens to be the only instance on that node.  If there were more instances (like on the other nodes) there would be a SCOM alert for each of those SQL Instances - this is just a bad example but the only one I have right now since it was requested that I set an override.


  1. We're having the same problem. Is there a solution?


  2. Chaunteclear - not at this moment. I'm beta testing SCOM 2012 and hoping to find that they've fixed this. I'll report back when I get a chance. Feel free to beta test yourself by downloading OpsMgr @ http://sethisageek.blogspot.com/2011/07/scom-2012-beta-released.html
